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Xero Announces New Features 2017 (Expenses & Projects)

Xero launches new expenses and projects The cloud accounting provider makes its “biggest ever” announcement of new apps and features.     Xero expenses The idea behind Xero expenses is that a user captures a receipt, and “we’ll take care of the less,” Xero expenses lead Samyak Shah told Xerocon 2017 attendees. Xero has developed a separate mobile app for expenses, as most employees don’t need access to other accounting-related functions. This app, for iOS and Android, lets a user photograph a receipt and submit it as an expenses claim. Behind the scenes, Xero extracts the relevant data and creates a corresponding transaction. Alternatively, the transaction can be entered in the traditional way via the main Xero web application, in which case the item can be entered on behalf of another person. Either way, claims can be approved by an authorised person via the app or the web, and then approved claims can be paid as a batch or individually. Other features of Xero expenses include reports such as a bar graph of a person’s expenses by category. Xero expenses is now live for selected users ahead of a general rollout. Plans for further development include the addition of mileage claims. Xero projects Xero projects is designed to make it easy to capture, track and report on the time and money spent on each job. Features will be added to support different market segments,  to include architects, engineers, and larger accounting and legal firms. Small business in Australia is fragmented and diverse, said Xero Australia managing director Trent Innes, so there will still be opportunities for boutique project management products... read more

GST on low value imported goods 1st July 2017

New Australian law applying GST to imported digital products and services will take effect from 1st July 2017 On 16 February 2017, the Government introduced law to Parliament that will amend the law to extend Goods and Services Tax (GST) to low value imports of physical goods imported by consumers from 1 July 2017. A vendor registration model will be used and suppliers with an Australian turnover of $75,000 or more in a twelve month period will be required to register and charge GST. The existing processes to collect GST on imports above $1,000 at the border are broadly unchanged. The change was designed to harmonise tax rules for Australian and foreign retailers after local stores blamed sluggish sales on their overseas competitors having an unfair price advantage on goods priced below $1000. According to Treasury, the measure will see a bump of $300 million in GST revenue over the forward estimates period, not accounting for collection expenses. Common questions Question: How is the $75,000 registration threshold calculated? Businesses will be required to register for GST if their GST turnover in Australia exceeds $75,000 (which will include sales of low value imported goods). However, if they do more than $75,000 of sales into Australia, but some of these sales are through an electronic distribution platform (a digital marketplace) and the balance of their direct sales is $75,000 or less then they will not be required to register for GST. Instead, the electronic distribution platform will register for and charge GST, provided it has more than $75,000 of Australian turnover. Question: How is GST applied by the vendor, electronic distribution platform or... read more

Simpler BAS for Small Businesses Commences 1st July 2017

The ATO are introducing changes to the GST/BAS system for small businesses. The ATO has been working on ways to deliver a simpler business activity statement (BAS) to simplify account set-up, record keeping, BAS preparation and lodgment for agents and their clients, and make it less costly. To achieve this, several GST labels will be removed from the BAS, with small businesses only required to report: GST on sales (1A); GST on purchases (1B); and Total sales (G1). They will begin user testing from 1 July 2016 and a simpler BAS should be the standard option for all small business from 1 July 2017.... read more

Christmas Gifts for Employees, Clients and Suppliers

With Christmas around the corner it is a good idea to check what are acceptable “Gifts”    Christmas Gifts for Employees Are gifts to your employees claimable? Gifts may be classified as “entertainment” or “non-entertainment”.The provision of a gift to an employee at Christmas time, such as a hamper, may be a minor benefit that is an exempt benefit where the value is less than $300. Where the gift is given at the Christmas party, each benefit can be considered separately. For gifts such as wine, food, hampers, vouchers, etc., these are not considered to be entertainment. If the gift is a minor benefit (i.e., less than $300 value), then the gift is not tax deductible, and therefore GST is not claimable for gifts to employees and their family members. No FBT applies to gifts of less than $300. For gifts over $300, FBT may apply for employees and their family members. Gifts such as a holiday, membership to a club, or tickets to a theatre, sporting or musical event are considered to be entertainment. For minor benefits, as above, the gift is not tax deductible and no FBT applies. For employees this is not a minor benefit, the gift is tax deductible but it is also subject to FBT. Christmas Gifts for Your Clients and Suppliers Are gifts to your clients and suppliers claimable? Gifts may be classified as “entertainment” or “non-entertainment”. For gifts such as wine, food, hampers, vouchers, etc., these are not considered to be entertainment. Non-entertainment gifts to clients or suppliers are deductible and GST is claimable. Gifts such as a holiday, membership to a club,... read more

5 lessons my dad taught me from running a small business

I am the product of a small business family.  My dad started his first business the year I was born and by the time I left high school, he was running his third business.  Right now, he’s on his fourth. Being part of a small business family wasn’t always easy.  There were good times, but there were also tough times.  The hours were long and everyone had to contribute.  Growing up, I started to notice the difference between our family and my friends’ families, where their parents had a regular, corporate job. Today, I am nothing but grateful for what my dad has given me. In fact, I feel very lucky and privileged because I got to witness my dad doing what he loved.  Like so many small business owners, he wouldn’t have been happy doing anything else. I don’t think he ever specifically told me he loved his work, and I don’t remember ever discussing the trade-offs of starting a business.  But what I did learn from him is that we should all do something that makes us happy.  This is an incredible gift which has shaped key decisions in my life. I also learned some great business fundamentals – lessons which I reflect on and share with others whenever I get the chance. 1. Dream big  Someone has to have a vision for your business and it should be you. Share your vision with your team, suppliers, customers … anyone who will listen.  We all love a story and love to be a part of something bigger than the here and now – your vision adds to the intangible... read more

GST on Imported Digital Products and Services Will Apply In Australia From 1st July 2017

  New Australian law applying GST to imported digital products and services Australia has introduced a new law applying the Australian Goods and Services Tax (GST) to international sales of digital products and services provided to Australian consumers. Under the new law, overseas businesses will be required to pay GST on these sales from 1 July 2017. What services and digital products are covered by the measure? Examples of digital products include downloaded movies, games and electronic books. Examples of services include architectural, legal or educational services. The new law applies very broadly to sales of anything except non-digital goods or real property. If you sell through an electronic distribution platform, for example an app store, the platform operator is responsible for registering, reporting and paying the GST. Do I need to register for the Australian GST? If you sell digital products or services to Australian consumers and you meet the registration turnover threshold, you need to register for GST with us. You will meet the registration turnover threshold if your sales to Australian consumers in a 12 month period are A$75,000 or more. Once registered, you need to report and pay GST to the ATO on sales made from 1 July 2017. How do I register? A simplified system will be available for you to electronically register, lodge and pay the GST. You can access this service on the ATO’s website from 1 April 2017. Under the simplified registration system, you: will register electronically with minimal proof of identity will lodge and pay GST quarterly do not need to provide a tax invoice or adjustment note to your... read more

Thinking of Outsourcing Your Bookkeeping?

  Are you a business owner or operator who is considering outsourcing your bookkeeping? Then you’re in the right place! Read on to discover the benefits of outsourcing your bookkeeping to a qualified professional. Find out what to look for in a bookkeeper, what skills they have, and how a bookkeeper can help you run a more successful, profitable business. 10 reasons to outsource your bookkeeping Leveraging time is the goal of most smart business operators. Leveraging your time in business means that you achieve many tasks with the least personal input, thus reserving your time for the most important parts of your business. Outsourcing is a powerful business tool for those committed to leveraging their time. Done well, it brings significant benefits to your business. Consider the following 10 reasons to outsource your business’s bookkeeping. Outsourcing will: free you and your key personnel up to focus on your core business. save you money. A contract bookkeeper is significantly more efficient at dealing with bookkeeping issues and accounting software. This efficiency means the cost of you performing your own bookkeeping is likely to be higher. The opportunity cost (due to your time being spent on bookkeeping) may be significant again. offer you the ability to tap into a knowledge base not available internally. give you peace of mind knowing that you have complied with your legislative obligations. enable efficient dealings with the Tax Office, including lodgements. improve your financial reporting abilities, thus improving your access to key information with which to run your business. allow you to leverage the bookkeeper’s software knowledge, ensuring that you’re using the best software... read more